1)Genres-characteristics (e.g boy band will have a dance routine/heavy metal groups will have stage performance or some kind of performance)
2)Relationship between lyrics/ visual-this can be interpreted metaphorically
3)Relationship between music/visual
4)To increase demand of the record, it will include lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs in a visual style
5)Motion of looking (e.g screens within screens) and to sell the artist it will have voyeuristic treatment of the female body
6)Intertextual reference (e.g films, TV programmes)

1)Genre(characteristics)-dance routine included and she dances as well
-she does not have a lot of clothes on(flesh exposed)
2)Lyrics and visuals-can't get you out of my head, literal interpretation as she hold her head
-set me free, pace of editing changes (dissolves/ fades to white) and the use of slowmotion
3)Music and visulas-amplication of the music is shown by her being angelic
4)Demands of record-lots of close ups of her face and body/low angle shots to make her look bigger
5)Voyeurism-artist wearing white short pants with hood
6)Intertextuality-music video by Beyonce 'Crazy in love', sci-fi films and video games
Lastly, we looked more in depth on Goodwin's thoery:
1)Genre-develops over time and patterns are extablished and the music video have to show what the audience expects so that they would understand better
2)Lyrics and visulas-this establishes a whole new area of meaning to the audience
3)Music and visuals-this is not varifying to the lyrics but refering to just what you hear, there is a huge link between music and visuals becuase the visual is amplifying the music
4)Record company don't make MV, production companies do and selling records does not make them money, they make money by selling tickets and merchendises
5)Voyeurism-this is usually established when marketing female popstars by filming fragmentic body shots
6)Intertextuality-borrow from successful music videos
Through this lesson we learnt that in our music video we have to include some kind of performance because it is the kind of music that has that characteristics. Also that we need to think about how we are going to show the relationship between lyricas/visuals and music/visuals. In addition even though our music is not the kind of music that includes voyeurism of female body shots, we must use extrem close ups and eye-catching camera shots or angles to attract the audience and further on use intertextuality something that the audience is already aware of or know so that they understand better what we are trying to show.
by Sung min
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