Friday, 24 September 2010


Our group sat down and thought about locations that matches with our music video and places which we could go and film and orgnise props.

-Piccadly circus-busy location which matches with confused mind of the singer(lyrics)
-China town-it has lots of red banners which is the colour that we want
-River side-matched with her state of mind, wants to go somewhere and find her self
-Grave yard-one of our narrative scene includes self-harming so we thought grave yard is a good place to film
-Camden-lot of people with same style and characteristic like our band concept and the music
-Cathedral/church-a place where she can her self or can rest(her own place)
-Drama studio in school-dark and dull if we use lighting effectively than we might produce a great effect
-underground station-very compact place and where we can use intertextuality
-band stand-could be used to do performance scene
-coffin-links to grave yard location but we thought of actually filming inside the coffin(make one maybe)
-house-we want to show that she doesn't feel comfortable in her own house
-car-again a very compact place but it would work
-phonebox-relate this location to how she feels about herself and she needs help from someone, maybe by calling someone
-bus-shows her everyday lifestyle
-school corridor-where she gets bullied
-play ground-she wants to go back to her past and hange things and this could represent her naiveness
-train station-again relates to river side location where she wants to go somewhere
-ally way-shows how she is trapped in her situation
-graffity-could be used as a bacround when performing

The downside of the locations was that in some places we had get permission to film and some places there would be too many people to film.

These are pictures of some locations that we will film:

-drum machine

Other things we need when shooting may include: -fog machine
                                                                           -fairy lights

Through out the music video we are going to change the costume
-main actor-she is going to wear baggy trousers with flats and hair up but after she is going to wear heels, skirt and her hair down.
-bully-she is going to wear a skirt, heels and hair down but after she is going to wear trousers, flats and hair up.

by Sung min

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