I decided to analyse this video of "When I'm Gone"by the Vivian Girls mainly because they are an 3 piece all-girl band, v. similar to our band.

There is a lot of fading in and out of different shots in this video. I think it could represent the singers dreamy, melodic vocals. I think we could use this sort of effect in the part of the song that keeps repeating "is it, is it, is it?" as that part is quite atmospheric and "drawn out" so it would suit this type of transition. Also the pace at which the different fades happen matches the changes in the music so, Goodwin's Theory is being used here!
I think an intertexual reference is used in this video, when they sing the harmony "When I'm Gooooone" it reminds me of Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody". We were thinking of referencing to bands music videos such as Paramore's "Misery Buisness" or the "Ignorance" video (but this was in the planning stages when we weren't sure what we were going to do.)
Looking at this video has also helped me in regard to performing in the band as the lead guitarist.
I also looked at this video for "Typical Girls" by The Slits
Another girl band, but this time from the 70's!
I decided to use this as it actually reminds me of something which we did in our music video - use a bandstand.
The whole music video is a performance, based around the bandstand. The camera pans around stand quite a lot and the band is literally "put on a pedestal".
I also noticed the clothes that the band are wearing. The singer, lead guitarist and bass player are all in red, which makes them cohesive and look like a band.
They all seem to dress to suit their personality - this is what we wanted to do in our band, as we each have names "Cherry", "Dead" and "Psycho", (sort of like the Spice Girls!) which which make up the band name. So, "Cherry" (me) will wear something red and be all peppy and cheery, "Dead" mopes around looking dead and wearing tops with skulls on them, and "Psycho" acts a bit crazy and wears crazy, intense outfits!

This video was really helpful as their performance as a band is really energetic, and they all seem to be really enjoying being caught up in the moment, I hope that our band can portray the same vibe!
By Hannah Buckman
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