Saturday, 20 November 2010

Dates when we filmed

We had problems with dates when we could film, so we decided to film in half term. We could do this because we had our own camera to use. On 25/10/10 and 26/10/10, we went to kingston to film where the phone boxes were; because we met early and started early there were less people therefore we could film smoothly. But when people started to come and see us doing the project the band felt uncomfortable but we got more in to it and the singer got better as we did it. Also on the same day we went to the band stand, one thing that we missed was to do a static shot of the band in the band stand so that we have more shots.

After this location we went to where graffity backround was. We thought we needed more locations when we up loaded the shots and started editing. So we decided to film on 2/11/10 in the playground, train station, my house and in the car. The locations were quite close together so it did not take a lot of time to move around. But because we went there after school it gor dark quite quickly so we could not film in the playground or the station. Before we did all of these locations we did narrative but because the actor could not make it each time when we could, we had to re-shoot everything before school started. So on 19/11/10 we shot narrative in school with different backround location. I thought it turned out good better than the last one we did.

From choosing location to re-shooting, I have learnt that if you want to do a production of something the best thign to do is research and look at rpoducts which were successful and learn and get ideas from it. Also when filming, don't think about how it is going to turn out but experiement and do normal to strange shots because you don't know unless you try it. Adding on, when you are re-shooting we have to think about the time of the day, wether etc things which will not disturb continuity.

by Sung min

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