Even though we made digipak I though to research on album cover and how it attracts the viewers or the fans. I found lots of different style of album covers and I looked at not only rock but classics to soft musi album covers.
These are the examples of rock album covers:
Most of the album covers don't have people or the artist as their front album picture but they have abstract immaginations shown. This one shows trees growing out of the heart which could mean that the blood is the water which could also mean they play and sing from their heart and fruits are made.
For this one there are limited colours used and the ma inside the picture is wearing a gas mask which could represent that thier music is like toxic and you cannot run away from it. Also letterboxing is used to give feel of old film style.
This one is from Paramore, one of the bands that we researched because it had similar aspects with our one. For this one it looks very punky which is good also the red stands out making the audience wonder. Also it used limited colours but it has their bad name included at the backround.I think the design and the front cover of a Cd is very important because it represents the theme ofthe music they are doing and if the song gets famouse and the Cd album is attractive than sutomers are likely to buy it. In Korea there was this singer who got famouse with his song called 'Heartbreaker' and because his album was very good people bought it even though they could download the music from the internet.
Further on, I looked at the other side of rock 'classics'.
Most of the classic album covers had the artist at the front wth plain or landscape backround. Its different from rock album as people who are aged will prefer listening from the Cd. Therefore having the artist at the front will make sure that the consumer buys what it wants. Also limited colours are used to give classic feel and it represents the artist's past or characteristics.
For this album the artist is shown in a mediaum shot, ususally classic albums are made to seel the artist whereas with rock albums is there to sell the theme and the music but of course the artist as well. Limited colours are used and the name of the artist is in big font so that audiences will know who he is.Researching two different types of album covers made me think about how we as a group should represent our band as well as our music in a similar way that it has been developed.
by Sung min
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